Children across the US are packing up and heading out to summer camp. But what should you know before you send them away with their bug spray, bandaids and sunscreen? Before sending your children to any camp, day or overnight, there are important questions you should ask. You may also find it helpful to visit
Choking and Unconscious
Most of us are no stranger to the Heimlich Maneuver. We know the international sign for choking and can, at the very least, identify when someone is choking. But what do you do if a choking victim is unconscious and you cannot administer the Heimlich? If the Heimlich isn’t successful, then what? How do
Considerations for purchasing an AED
Few purchases are as important as those that can make the difference between life and death. If you are planning to buy an AED (automated external defibrillator) for personal use or for the workplace, the following tips can help you to identify the one that best suits your needs. Research available brands. There are many